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Models / Jennifer James

Avg Rating: 3.5

Jennifer James Vital Stats:
Date of Birth:  December 7, 1966
Astrological Sign:  Sagittarius
Birthplace:  USA
Measurements:  unknown
Height:  5 feet 8 inches, 173 cms
Hair Color:  Brown
Starting Year:  1984

Jennifer James, also known as Angel, in 1984 and 1985 she starred in about a dozen high profile movies, gaining herself a solid following and winning Best New Starlet at the 1986 AVN Awards. She was also chosen as Penthouse Pet of the Month for October 1985 which was rare for a porn actress at the time. Shortly after these achievements she retired from porn. In 1988 she returned to porn after signing an exclusive contract with Intropics Video to star in four 'Angel' movies. After fulfilling the contract she retired again, this time for good.
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